Call for applications

On June 28 and 29, 2025, just before the main conference, a Doctoral Colloquium will be organized for a limited number of PhD students.

The Conference Doctoral Colloquium represents a unique opportunity for PhD students to present their research and share it with experienced scholars. Among all applicants, a maximum of 30 students will be selected and participate free of charge.

Please be aware that all PhD students who also plan to attend the main conference need to register for it.

The Doctoral Colloquium is designed as a springboard for successful academic careers by examining important issues such as publishing, reviewing, and collaborative research; the event also provides networking opportunities.

During the Colloquium PhD students will:

  • Get feedback on their research through small-group interactions with the Colloquium faculty.
  • Participate in a seminar on how to leverage Artificial Intelligence in innovation management research.
  • Engage in workshops to learn the latest in “surviving” qualitative or quantitative research methodologies.
  • Ask everything, they ever wanted to know about publishing directly to editors of leading Journals.
  • Have the chance to attend social events such as the sunset visit in the Tuscan countryside and the early-stage R&D community dinner.
  • Meet and share perspectives, strategies, challenges, and experiences with other doctoral students.

Are you ready to enjoy two days in Pisa with your peers and inspiring senior scholars?

The detailed program will be available soon.